1:1 Music Therapy Services
1:1 Music Therapy Services are facilitated by a Board-Certified Music Therapist and may be provided in your home or another mutually agreed upon location. SCMT is passionate about making services accessible and accepts CMS/Sunshine Health Insurance patients as well as recipients of the Gardiner/Family Empowerment Scholarship for Students with Unique Abilities.
Rates & Payment Options
Private Pay
Fees are determined by the total length (in minutes) of service provided, which includes a set amount of time for documentation and planning, represented by the * symbol.
25m. session (5*)- $55 (30m service total)
35m. session (10*) $65 (45m service total)
45m. session (15*) $75 (60m service total)
Fees are determined by the total length (in minutes) of service provided, which includes a set amount of time for documentation and planning, represented by the * symbol. Rates are slightly higher than private pay to account for additional processing and wait times.
25m. session (5*)- $60 (30m service total)
35m. session (10*) $70 (45m service total)
45m. session (15*) $80 (60m service total)
CMS/Sunshine Health
Through CMS/Sunshine Health, music therapy services are provided to children at no cost to the family. Before services can begin, we must obtain an authorization from insurance. Please contact us for more information.